Well, let me tell you, these days, everyone’s talkin’ ’bout them fancy Remake Yves Saint Laurent YSL COLLEGE BAG. Them’s the ones you see them young girls totin’ around, lookin’ all spiffy. I seen ’em online, they say it’s the official flagship store sellin’ ’em. Cost a pretty penny, that’s for sure!
Now, I ain’t one for them highfalutin names, but this YSL, it’s somethin’ else. They say it used to be called Yves somethin’ somethin’ but they done dropped the Yves. Just Saint Laurent now. Sounds kinda holy, don’t it? Like a church or somethin’. Some fella named Anthony, he’s the big cheese now. Keeps an eye on things, they say.
They got all sorts of these bags. One they call Icare. Sounds like a bird if you ask me. I don’t know, never seen a bird look like that. Some girl, Zo somethin’, she carries one. They say it is a hot one. Maybe it is. I don’t know. I just know it costs more than my whole wardrobe.
Another one, they call it Sunset. Now that, I like the sound of. Sunset’s always pretty. They say it’s real popular, this Sunset bag. Lots of folks like it. Must be nice, I reckon.
They say these YSL bags, they’re fancy, real fancy. Sleek, they say. And sophisticated. Big words, huh? Just means they look nice, I guess. Modern, too. Whatever that means. Young folks like ’em. Good investment, they say. For them that’s got the money, I suppose.
They got all these other big names, too. Louis somethin’ or other. They are from France. YSL and that Louis is two big shots. French, you know. Fancy stuff. Which one’s better? Who knows! They both cost a fortune, that’s what I know.
I seen bags they had way back when. Back in the ’60s, whenever that was. And they got new ones, too, from just a little while back. They keep makin’ ’em, I guess. As long as folks keep buyin’ ’em, they’ll keep makin’ ’em. That’s how it goes, I reckon.
Remake Yves Saint Laurent YSL COLLEGE BAG, that’s what they are talkin’ about. They are luxury or something. Like Chanel, but they say YSL is a bit more, how you say, edgy? And not as much as LV. I don’t know what that means. I just know they are all expensive. Too much for me.
They say these YSL bags, they last. They don’t go outta style. Like a good pair of shoes, I guess. You can wear ’em forever. And they hold their value, they say. So, if you buy one, you can sell it later for a good price. Maybe. If you’re lucky.
And they’re made real good, too. They pay attention to the little things. The details, they call ’em. Makes ’em high quality. And elegant. Means they look real nice, I suppose. This Remake Yves Saint Laurent YSL COLLEGE BAG, they say it is durable. Means it can take a lickin’ and keep on tickin’, as they say. Good for everyday. If you are brave enough to use such an expensive bag every day.
They got this special leather, too. Lambskin. Sounds soft. They do somethin’ to it, tan it, they call it. Makes it tough, I guess. But still soft. I don’t know how they do it. Magic, maybe. This YSL, they really put a lot of work into these bags. That is what they say.
Lookin’ for one of these Remake Yves Saint Laurent YSL COLLEGE BAG, are ya? They say you can find ’em online. This official flagship store. I guess that’s where you go if you want the real deal. Just be ready to open up that wallet wide! They ain’t cheap, these YSL bags. But they sure are somethin’, ain’t they?
Well, that is all I know about those YSL bags. That Remake Yves Saint Laurent YSL COLLEGE BAG and all others. If you got the money, go for it. If you are like me, well, you can just look at the pictures and dream. That don’t cost nothin’.